Glenariffe Oisins CLG LMS Rules
1) Pick one Premier League team each round, if your team win you are through to the next round, if you draw/lose you are out.
2) You can only select each team one (e.g., if you pick Liverpool in Week 1, you can’t pick them again).
3) The last person standing wins the pot. NO SPLIT POTS ALLOWED.
4) If at any stage all players are eliminated, the competition will roll over. Anyone in the existing competition will have to pay another £10 if they wish to remain in the next competition. Any new players wishing to join the competition will have to pay £20. This format will continue in the event of further roll overs. All prize pots of existing competitions will be carried over to the next LMS in the event of a roll over.
5) Selections must be made 2 hours before the first fixture in the current week round. If no selection is made, you will be assigned the first team alphabetically that you have not picked.
6) For there to be a LMS round in any given week, there will need to be at least 6 or more Premier League fixtures in that week.
7) If your team’s game is postponed after the deadline for teams to be submitted, you are automatically put through to the next round.
8) £10 entry fee and the winner will receive 50% of the pot, the remaining funds will go towards club funds.
9) Payments to be made before first round begins. Payments can be made online via bank transfer or in cash to Conan McToal, Teresa Gettens, David Burns or Pauline McElheron.
Bank details – Sort code 950286 Account Number – 83819434
Please include name as reference when making bank payments