The Annual General Meeting 2019 of Glenariffe Oisín CLG will take place at 3pm on Sunday 24 November 2019 in Glenariffe Community and Recreation Centre. Any motions/recommendations and all nominations to fill the posts detailed below, are now invited from fully paid up
club members.
Motions/ recommendations and any nominations to fill the posts detailed below, all which must have a proposer and seconder, should be submitted to the club secretary no later than 13 November 2019 so that an agenda can be issued at least 10 days in advance of the meeting. Only fully paid up members can attend and vote at this meeting.
Vice Chairman
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Public Relations Officer
Secretary Juvenile Committee
Club Registrar
Child Protection Officer – female
Child Protection Officer-male
Cultural Officer
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention Officer
Health & Wellbeing Officer
Delegate to County
1st Delegate to North Antrim
2nd Delegate to North Antrim
Grounds Person
Assistant Grounds Person
Coaching Officer
Ladies Gaelic Football Manager
Senior Hurling Manager(s)
Junior Hurling Manager
Minor Hurling Manager
U16 Hurling Manager
U14 Hurling Manager
U12 Hurling Manager
U10 Hurling Manager
U8 Hurling Manager
U6 Hurling Manager
Gerry B Cosgrove
Rúnaí – Glenariffe Oisín CLG